UB Pull & Stimulation
A. Warmup: https://youtu.be/7ING4xORFRY
B. Upper Body Superset: Complete one set of first movement, rest, then set of next movement, rest. Repeat until you have done 4 sets total.
-Rack pullups: keep hips under shoulders!
-Sheet rows: Work on going deeper / deeper angle. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-uIWvsHldR/ (Dr. Caleb Burgess on Instagram – find his Strong Back post from 4/8 or 4/9); OR go to 0:54 - https://youtu.be/rloXYB8M3vU – he’s got a pretty narrow grip here. He also has more thoracic extension than we normally recommend. Be mindful of rib flare!
-Other options for pullups/rows: https://youtu.be/K06vELlwmZw (around top of door; hook around stair if you have an open staircase); https://youtu.be/TdZNJTJ0hwE; https://youtu.be/ofq1hfnYkwM
B2. Banded Supinated Front Raise, 4 sets of 12 reps, rest 30 seconds
B3. DB Face Pull, 4 sets of 20 reps, rest 15 seconds
B4. DB Supinated Row, 4 sets of 10 per arm, rest 30 seconds
B5. Towel Curls, 5 sets of 20 reps per arm, rest 15 seconds
Metabolic Conditioning
EMOM x15 minutes (“every minute on the minute”)
2nd: 6-8 bar-facing burpee (or jump over DB)
3rd: 12-15 bent over row (may use DBs or BB – moderate weight)