Development & UB Push/Squat
Spend 3-4 minutes reviewing burpees and breathwork.
8 min AMRAP (SLOW):
20 lateral monster walks per side (band around feet)
20 seconds per leg of single leg box step-down isometric hold
20 shoulder taps (pushup or pike position)
A. Strength: SQUAT
Complete every minute on the minute (EMOM) x 12 minutes:
1st: 8 reps of sumo squat with 2 second lowering (“eccentric”)
2nd: 20 seconds per leg goblet Cossack squat
3rd: 30 seconds of wall sit marching (sit to parallel, unlike this video!)
B. Strength: UB PUSH
Complete 3 sets of:
6-8 reps banded pushups
Rest 30 seconds
8-10 down dog pushups or scap pushups
Rest 30 seconds
MetCon – “The Lazy River”
Complete a Tabata of each of these movements:
DB thrusters
Cooldown: gentle hip & spine ROM & box breathing