We are driven by our desire to collaborate with, serve, and understand you. We are interested in building and sustaining a community in which all people are treated equally, respectfully, and with kindness. Our ideal family member creates fun in what they do, gives their best no matter what, reframes challenges as opportunities, respects and advocates for the individuality in others, and appreciates a holistic approach to wellness. If you can agree to that, you are welcome in our Align family, no matter your starting point or who you are.

You'll build lifelong, fulfilling friendships.
Find you are accepted for who you are (#beyou).
Exceed your own expectations and goals through collaboration with your wellness team.
Become more cognizant of making healthier choices (without any guilt or rigidity!).
Understand yourself and your needs better in order to develop a sustainable, safe, and
holistic wellness routine.
Follow evidence-based plans and recovery principles for improved success and safety.
Discover that you enjoy committing to our wellness plan (WHAT?!?!?!).
Develop into a FIERCE and COMPASSIONATE person.

We value quality Align family time, collaborating with and serving you, and developing evidence-based and safe plans for you. Specifically, these are our guiding principles:
With you, we form a wellness triad of clinician, coach, and you (“client”). You are an integral part of the team. We care about your health and journey and are committed to you. Our community is built through strong relationships focused on inclusivity, open-mindedness, and positivity. We support honest and clear dialogue.
In every interaction, we learn more about each other. We want to better know your history and experiences. You are on a unique journey. There will be challenges. When one arises, we approach with curiosity.
We nurture growth mindsets here. Mindset is one of our wellness areas, and we focus on developing individually and as a community. We know addressing our mindset creates more impactful experiences and changes. We view all interactions and experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.
We all have strengths and talents. We often utilize a self-discovery approach to movement and other wellness areas in order to further involve you. We are the experts on anatomy, physiology, programming, etc. BUT, you are the expert on you and what you feel. Together, we know more.
Align is NOT a typical fitness service or "group class". We are a collaborative, inclusive community, formed and sustained by our shared commitment to wellness for life. Our community, especially our clinicians and coaches, guide and support you on your unique journey. We support you in creating routines and decision-making processes that work for you.
Sure, you can approach with every intention of “just working out.” And, you would not be taking full advantage of what we offer. If you are ready to invest and commit to real change, you will find that and much more with Align!


Dad. Life partner. Business owner. Pain-free performance training specialist. Movement specialist. Award-winning videographer. Volunteer. Advocate. Weightlifter. Video gamer. Musician.
Tyler believes that physical training should promote quality of life, not diminish it. In other words, one should not be exercising without proper recovery and dialing in the other areas of wellness, too.
In his 10+ years in the industry, he has teamed with a wide range of people from around the world – from absolute beginners to high-performance strength coaches.
Tyler utilizes a “self-discovery” approach, in that he leads you to explore your abilities and limitations in an interactive learning environment. One of his favorite aspects about coaching is getting to know you and helping you succeed.
In addition to coaching a plethora of people over the years, he has put in time learning and developing new skills related to media and video. He is a digital media specialist and award-winning video producer / filmmaker. He has worked and continues to work with businesses nation-wide to build business and brand awareness
Mom. Life partner. Business owner. Physical therapist. Strength and conditioning coach. Nutrition and life guide. Ballroom basics for balance instructor. Weightlifter. Runner. Advocate. Volunteer. Musician.
Treat every moment as an opportunity, focus on learning the movement patterns and performing them with intention before adding other variables, challenge yourself to face what scares you, be consistent, and laugh and smile as often as possible. These are the cornerstones of Dr. Ana’s philosophy regarding health and fitness.
As a coach and licensed physical therapist, Dr. Ana gets to meet and help a lot of people, and through those interactions, she learns a great deal from them AND shows them how to achieve things they didn’t think possible. Dr. Ana is grateful to get to serve others in this capacity every day, and she is passionate about bringing people together as a community, helping people move and feel better, continuing to improve herself in fitness and life, and discovering what each person can teach her.
Dr. Ana has worked with a whole host of people over her time as a coach and leader (over a decade), and she is looking forward to meeting you and helping you integrate into our community at Align!