The wellness you seek is not isolated to your physical fitness experience in our gym. During your training session, you are experiencing stressors that impact your body and mind. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are also experiencing stresses at work, home, vacation, etc. As your professional coaches who see you 5-6 times per week, we feel it is our responsibility to be chatting with you about all aspects of life. In fact, we usually notice when you are having a rough patch. Usually that surprises you! (When you are dealing with a lot, it often shows up in your movement and/or behavior. We notice these things!)
Often, this is where opportunities for COLLABORATION arrive. Collaboration with YOU to better understand what is going on in your life so we can help guide you on your path. This may include an honest, open dialogue about priorities. It could be a referral to another healthcare professional, who we would then team with to provide a more comprehensive healthcare experience. Whatever ends up happening, it will be a decision that is driven by you, supported by your team. Collaboration is part of our vision at Align.
For example, I have a personal training client who has had intermittent shoulder and back concerns. After several weeks of a specifically developed program (to the client), we were making very small improvements, and the concerns still impacted sleep. Upon a discussion, we brought a chiropractor onto the team. I regularly communicated with the chiropractor throughout the client’s care. The client showed increased improvement, but then regressed after a series of other stressors and reduced quality of rest. The client returned to physical therapy, and again, we worked as a team to ensure the client got back on track. The person is now feeling better and nearly pain-free, and we are slowly progressing movements again in her individual program.
You should trust your coach to work WITH you and to know when s/he should refer (either by LAW or because s/he knows her/his knowledge strengths and limitations). A coach who does not collaborate with your other healthcare providers, dismisses other providers’ judgment, and/or does not refer when necessary is neither a professional nor safe. You are missing COLLABORATION, which will likely improve your experience.
If you are looking for a professional coaching and healthcare environment invested in actually keeping you safe and well, willing to collaborate with the rest of your team, reach out. We are here to support you.
Dr. Ana
Ana Grimh, DPT, BA, CSCS, FMS-1, CF-L2 Trainer Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Wisconsin - Madison Owner/Mastermind
Align Wellness Services, LLC
